Thursday, March 10, 2011

Changing with/for Religion

I was thinking how many times I have heard things like "he/she has changed so much since they got religious," or "he/she is such a holy-roller." Things said to make it appear as though religion changes people...and perhaps it does to an extent, but what is it that religion changes so drastically that it pushes away our friends/family? If religion makes you a better person, and you begin to change to that does that appear bad to anyone, especially your loved ones?

Now I can easily say that I have met people that treat religion like so many reform smokers do...where it's all they talk about, and suddenly everyone has to believe exactly what they believe, but I think in many cases that's the religion itself passing that mentality onto the person. I am not attacking any religion here, but you think of missionaries, or Jehovah witnesses...where it's not enough to merely save themselves...they must recruit everyone. I personally know people who have friends/family that are passing away and I hear them say "I hope I can reach them before it's to late." Why is that? That person has had their whole life to make their decisions...who are we to try to affect them? How are we sure we are right?

When did numbers begin to matter anyway? Let's say you believe in a lord and savior, and you believe in judgement. What if you didn't focus entirely on your own life, made a lot of mistakes...BUT you converted 40 people to your religion...does that mean while being judged that count factors in? How does saving others personally aid you in your endeavorer?

I can see where this may be misconstrued as a selfish outlook, but I am not saying that at all. I am simply saying that we are responsible for ourselves...the best way I think we can help others is through example, through love and compassion, through not giving them a reason to practice negativity onto us by our doing. Isn't that the ultimate goal?

Spreading the word has to come to those willing to listen. Just like reading our's for those that want to read it. Step away from the ritual of force, step away from the belief that you must recruit for your own the person you should be, study what you know to be right, live your life...and let that positive change be what's talked about.

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